Dear User, we are needing/accepting donations to keep our service active. Please visit our Donate section if you are interested.

Server Info
Version 83 Mod
: 3 / : 1 / : 1
Accts: 120
Chars: 189



The format of this document will separate the Terms & Conditions into three sections identified as Sections 1 through 3, under which a number of conditions will be listed and identified by an additional number.

Section 1. Overview

By registering a game account with KiotoStory, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions stated below. For the purposes of this document, the personal identifiers “we,” “us,” “our,” and any others, refer to the KiotoStory Staff, while the second and third person identifiers refer to any registered account user.

KiotoStory Staff reserves the right to, at any given time:
Change any term or condition within this agreement; Change the game, including terminating, eliminating, supplementing, modifying, adding to or discontinuing any content, data or feature of the game, or the hours that the game is available, and; Change the equipment, hardware or software required to use and/or access the game.

Any of the above changes may not be accompanied with forewarning, and all changes will be made effective immediately upon notice, which may be provided by any means, including, but not limited to game, website or forum announcement. Any use of the game, website or forum after such notice will be deemed as an acceptance of such changes.


Section 2. Registration

When registering for a game account with KiotoStory, you are subject to the following restrictions:

Acceptance of Agreement

By registering a game account with KiotoStory, you agree that you willingly accept responsibility for any and all characters on said account, and, in the case of multiple registered accounts, that any actions taken against one account registered to you apply to all registered accounts.

Age Restrictions

In order to register a game account, you must be over the age of 13 and otherwise have the right, authority, and capacity to enter into this agreement. We reserve the right to terminate any game accounts that are found to be in breach of this clause without notice.

Registration Information

In order to register an account, you are required to provide us with specific information about yourself, including a valid e-mail address and your date of birth. In addition, by registering an account, you are agreeing to the collection of your IP address, MAC address, and/or Hardware ID. You agree that all of these pieces of information are to be kept up-to-date, accurate and complete. All of these pieces of information are collected for internal purposes, including, but not limited to, verification of your rights to the account, insurance of the uniqueness of the account, and account security issues. We reserve the right to terminate any game accounts or restrict your access to the game at our discretion if we determine that any of this information is falsified, incorrect, or otherwise invalid.

Account Information Agreement

As part of the registration and character creation process, you will be requested to create a username, password, an Personal Identification Number ("PIN"), and character in-game name (“IGN”) that will identify you. Both your username and character IGN must be unique to any and all pre-existing ones, and are subject to the following conditions:

I) The name may not be considered vulgar, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially/ethnically or otherwise offensive, including any alternate spellings or misspellings at our discretion;

II) The name must be in compliance with the software's internal restrictions; no longer than 12 characters, no shorter than 4 characters, restricted to only use the lower- and upper-case alphabet and whole numbers from 0-9;

III) The name must not imply that you are that you are a part of KiotoStory Staff, or that you have any specific privileges, including but not limited to the use of abbreviations such as “Dev”,“GM” or “Admin”, and;

IV) The name may not be used in conjunction with any perceived attempt to impersonate another player, person, or entity.

Outside of the above restrictions, we reserve the right to change, remove, alter or delete any character at any time for any reason at our discretion. If you are in breach of any of the above conditions, you may be subject to alterations or other consequences that we deem appropriate, including, but not limited to, the changing of the name in question, restriction of access to the game, or termination of your account at our discretion based upon the severity of the breach.

Section 3. Game Use & Restrictions

Any player accessing KiotoStory is, by playing the game, agreeing that Game Masters (“GMs”) and Administrators (“Admins”) and any other KiotoStory Staff have ultimate discretion and authority in applying, construing, interpreting, acting upon, or omitting any clause of the following section based on the evidence obtained from any source. Furthermore, KiotoStory Staff possess the authority and the ability to exercise the right to modify any punishment for a violation of the Game Use & Restrictions. Upon breach of any of the following clauses, you acknowledge that you have the right to one appeal in which you may present any evidence of your innocence you wish, after which any decision made by KiotoStory Staff is final and binding, and you are no longer entitled to any further appeals.

While using the game, you agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. We reserve the right to take any actions we deem necessary and appropriate in order to preserve the integrity of the game at our discretion. While using the game, you agree not to commit any of the following acts, organized into categories of severity.

Major Infractions:

Account Hacking - The act of accessing, restricting, or inhibiting any game account of which was not initially created by you by any means, including any sort of account phishing, editing or defacing of the game, or additionally, the act of soliciting or attempting to obtain any private account information from any individual who owns an account on KiotoStory through any method. Punishment: Permanent ban.

Game Hacking - The act of using or benefiting from any third-party program, macro program or otherwise defacing or modifying any part of the game software to gain any sort of advantage over other players, or otherwise selling, advertising, distributing or posting information related to the act. Punishment: Permanent ban.

Server Attack - The act of directly attempting to disrupt, alter or otherwise tamper with any server or connection associated with the game, including denial of service attacks. Punishment: Permanent ban.

Duping - The act of exploiting any sort of glitch, unintended feature, flaw in game design, or using third party programs, with the intent to duplicate items or mesos, including knowingly possessing or requesting illegitimate items or mesos. Punishment: Permanent ban.

Malicious Programs - The act of transmitting or providing access to sources of any software or other materials that contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, defects, date bombs, time bombs or other items of a destructive nature. Punishment: Permanent ban.

Illegal Content - The act of providing, transmitting ,or otherwise allowing access to non-public information without permission from the rightful owners of the content, including the transmission of third-party trade secrets. Punishment: Permanent ban.

Game Monitoring - The act of scripting, macroing, or otherwise monitoring actions of the game, including "packet sniffing" for any purpose. Punishment: Permanent ban.

Real World Trading - The act of exploiting the software or the game for any sort of commercial purpose, including buying or selling items, mesos, or services for real world currency or barter, or additionally, any and all solicitation, advertisement or other promotion of the aforementioned. Punishment: Permanent ban.

Improper Files - The act of operating KiotoStory using altered, damaged, outdated, edited file or otherwise any game files that were not provided by KiotoStory Staff, including but not limited to any changes to the User Interface or language of the game text, and use of outdated KiotoStory files more than 14 days separated from the time of the files becoming outdated. Punishment: Permanent ban.

Account Sharing - The act of sharing the use your account, sharing account information with any other individual, or the act of logging into or otherwise using an account owned by another person, with or without permission, regardless of whether or not the information was directly or indirectly shared. Punishment: First offense - 30 day ban, Second offense - Permanent ban. Please be aware that, in cases of severe abuse as per discretion of staff, we reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban regardless of if it is your first offense. See appendix for more information.

Moderate Infractions:

Staff Impersonation - The act of expressing, implying, or otherwise stating that you or your actions are endorsed by KiotoStory staff, that you are a part of our administration or staff team when you are not, claiming privileges or rights by association to staff, or misleading players to believe any of the above. Punishment: First offense - 7 day ban, Second offense - Permanent ban.

Solicitation - The act of advertising or soliciting any sort of commercial opportunities of any nature, including chain letters, pyramid schemes, investment opportunities or commercial advertising, or additionally providing access to any location that does the above. Punishment: First offense - 7 day ban, Second offense - Permanent ban.

Information Harvesting (Stalking) - The act of collecting any information about the game or any individual associated with the game, including players, ownership or any involved third-parties, without their expressed consent, regardless of the location of the act. Punishment: First offense - 7 day ban, Second offense - Permanent ban.

Glitch Abuse - The act of exploiting any errors in game design or any features or bugs, documented or otherwise, that are not meant to be available in order to gain any sort of competitive advantage. Punishment: First offense - 14 day ban, Second offense- Permanent ban.

Robotic Play - The act of engaging in robotic or automatic play which allows any character you own to function autonomously or affect any portion of the game without your presence. Punishment: First offense - 7 day ban, Second offense - Permanent ban.

Vote Abuse - The act of attempting to, or successfully, bypassing the restrictions of voting no more than once per 24 hours. Punishment: First offense - 14 day ban, Second offense - Permanent ban. Please be aware that, in cases of severe abuse as per discretion of staff, we reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban regardless of if it is your first offense.

Minor Infractions:

Objectionable Behavior (Harassment) - The act of engaging in any sort of rude, harassing, vulgar, obscene, hateful, threatening or abusive discourse with another player, or alternatively in a setting in which unintended audiences may be present such as all publically transmitted chat or serverwide messages. This includes persistent badgering, flaming, mass defamation or disruption of another player. Punishment: First offense - 3 day ban, Second offense, 7 day ban, Third offense - Permanent ban.

Objectionable Behavior (Disruption) - The act of engaging in any sort of action that is deemed to be excessively disruptive to the individuals around you, including spamming or flooding chat or skills. Punishment: First offense - 3 day ban, Second offense, 7 day ban, Third offense - Permanent ban.

Hate Speech - The act of transmitting any sort of content or acting out any scenario which could be perceived as derogatory or otherwise prejudiced towards any group of people based on their race, sex, gender, life choices, or any other division. Punishment: First offense - 3 day ban, Second offense - 7 day ban, Third offense - Permanent ban.

Inappropriate Content - The act of transmitting any sort of inappropriate content, including vulgar, obscene, fraudulent, threatening, libelous or sexually explicit materials, or alternatively transmitting any content that is privately owned. Punishment: First offense - 3 day ban, Second offense - 7 day ban, Third offense - Permanent ban.

Kill-stealing - The act of attacking bosses or monsters on a map persistently without the system designation of ownership via the /mapowner in-game command, or alternatively last-hitting any bosses or monsters on a map without that same designation, without the expressed permission of the player who does have that designation. Punishment: First offense - 3 day ban, Second offense - 7 day ban, Third offense - Permanent ban.

Map Looting - The act of looting one or more items dropped from a boss monster, regular monster or other map element without the system designation of ownership via the /mapowner in-game command, or alternatively without the expressed permission of the player who does have that designation. Punishment: First offense - 3 day ban, Second offense - 7 day ban, Third offense - Permanent ban.

Infractions by Extension:

Believable Claim - The act of making any claim to have broken any other rule listed above that we deem believable, including posing, impersonating, or otherwise claiming to be a player who has broken a rule. Punishment: Identical to actually breaking the rule.

Ban Evasion - The act of circumventing a ban that exists on a player through the use of any means with the intent to, or accomplishing, access of the game on any account. Punishment: Identical to the consequence of which the player attempts to, or already has, circumvented.

Associative Rule-breaking - The act of partying with any player who is breaking any rule listed above, or otherwise requesting that a player break any of the above rules for your own benefit. Punishment: Identical to that which the player who has broken the rule.