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UPDATED 04-15-19 (requirements/prize have changed)
​We are pleased to introduce you the new possibility of becoming stronger. But to be strong is not so easy...
Apart from improving your equipment now you can be reborn but to take this step you must meet only 2 requirements for now (only by introduction event, after the requirements will be subject to change without notice).
Requirements (the difficult part):
- Have reached level 200 (obviously)
- Assign all your AP / SP points and Master all your Skills / Learn all your books in each level.
- Have 50+ points of fame (these points can be acquired by completing regular quests)
- 1 Nine Spirit's Egg (drop from horntail)
- 100,000,000 mesos
Prize (subject to changes!):
- Can keep all your APs as you assigned them
- Same level of HP / MP max that you had before being reborn
- 15 fame points per reborn
- 5 chaos scrolls (Event Reward)
- 1 Facestompers (Event Reward)
Extra things you should know:
- Your skills will be cleaned. Can not keep skills from previous jobs, even those assigned to your keyboard, but if you take the same job again, you will keep the books learned.
- The table of progressive experience will no longer be the same for those who do reborn for the first time.
Current experience: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89
After reborn: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 17, 25, 43
* Tip: Your skills and damage are based more on the damage of your equipment not only on the AP that you will earn when you are reborn. I suggest you keep improving your equipments if you want to be stronger.
For now this will be all the information you need to know but I suggest you stay tuned to our website or discord to know more news about this.
Thank you very much for your attention